The Bass Fishing Tournament and Cruise In are now accepting people interested in being part of these events at the Johnston, SC, Peach Blossom Festival, May 3, 2025.

Bass Fishing Tournament
Anglers who want to show their fishing abilities can sign up for the Bass Fishing Tournament, part of the many Festival events.
The Tournament will be held May 3, the same day as the popular Festival. Check-in is at 6 a.m. that day with weigh-in held in downtown Johnston shortly after 1 p.m.
The entry fee is $50, which includes $10 for big fish pot. This Tournament is pond fishing only. Payback is based on 20 boats on the five-fish limit Tournament, including a first place prize of $400, second prize of $240, and third prize of $160, along with $150 for the largest bass and $50 for the second largest.
Entry deadline is May 2.
For a complete list of rules and to enter, please call Cindy Sullivan, 803-275-2594 or 407-324-6449.
Cruise In
The Cruise In has become a crowd favorite.
The Cruise In will bring in many interesting and exciting vehicles for participants to enjoy. Some of the cars will be in the parade, which starts at 10:30 a.m., and then the cars will be available for viewing through about 3 p.m. in the parking lot of All About Performance (formerly Jim Satcher Motors).
Those who want more information or are interested in participating should contact Lee Legg, 803-270-6238 about bringing vintage cars to the Cruise In.
The popular Festival is also taking applications for individuals, organizations or businesses interested in being a part of event in these areas:
- Arts and Crafts: Donna Livingston, (803) 275-7002, P.O. Box 311, Johnston, SC 29832
- Parade: Parade: Jenny Herlong, (803) 480-2595, 607 Edisto Street, Johnston, SC, 29832
- Pageant: March 22; Applications due by March 17. Applications can be obtained from Janice Cleveland at (803) 334-2507, or Gina Logue at 803-480-0826
- Food Concessions: Noah Peterson, (803) 480-0135, P.O. Box 282, Johnston, SC 29832
Each year, the Town goes all out with the Festival to remind citizens about the peach industry and to open its arms to visitors.
The Johnston Development Corporation, a non-profit volunteer organization, sponsors the Festival. The Corporation works to aid the community in areas such as economic development, education, recreation, historic preservation, tourism, scientific and cultural opportunities, and continued promotion of Johnston.